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Here's What You'll Get:

Expenses incurred for job search are often tax-deductible. So that includes this audio master class plus any meetings you decide to attend–coffee meetings, networking lunches, etc. (Please check with your tax advisor.)

What if this information could bring you a dream job JUST ONE WEEK FASTER?

That would mean:
You have earned the cost of this audio master class before your first coffee break on your first day.

So everything else you earn that week is pure profit in your pocket!

Your Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee

If you implement EVERYTHING I show you, and don't start to feel more confident and see the potential for ending your job search with your dream job, I'll refund your investment.

And you get to keep the handouts! That's how much I want you to interview to be the one they must hire!

Secure Processing

Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.

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